The latest.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Opening Night Hockey

Hockey is back in Kansas City. Independence, MO, to be specific - in the form of a minor league team, the Missouri Mavericks. Opening night was a sell out last weekend. Here is a wide angle from the upper seats.

See some other images in the MoMavericks Flickr group, HERE.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


A children's book themed birthday party put many new faces to family and friends. We decided to create a minimal photo essay of the participants. Here is a sampling of the that record. The complete list can be seen here.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lawrence Pt 1

Pictures of buildings? Thats weird.
My Sister-in-law writes a nice blog, and has been getting recognized around some other online spots. So these pictures (part two will be in a while) will be supporting her in an article she is writing...stay tuned for that, and some more images from the nice evening photo session we had together.

Infant baby boy

Another family opportunity came along, and I was very happy to spend the morning with this very new baby boy. I really enjoyed producing images for this new family.

Friday, November 06, 2009

powerful art

This is a very inspirational art piece from a Ukrainian TV talent show. I also enjoyed the Metallica instrumental seven minutes in.

A little random, but worth sharing.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Flint HIlls 1

I attended Kansas State School of Architecture one semester (before transferring and finishing at KU's arch school.) Why does that really matter? Because I learned first hand what Kansas has to offer with the flint hills. Fast forward to this fall, I was able to scout out on some open range property (no paved roads or fences) for a photo project. It really is a beautiful landscape. Besides gravel oil roads and pumps, there is hardly a trace of social or man made material interaction.

I am linking a gallery of a couple of early pics, because bigger is better with these landscapes.

These are some images you get when you have a herpetology expert on site

wow, chill out buddy.
Maybe some more images from this day to come.